The ham shack also doubles as a guest room. Visitors are welcome to sleep on the couch. Seriously, the bed is a twin and there is zero closet space. Couch is better.
Which frees up the space for 24 hour adventures in radio. The adventure begins with a garage quality work bench / operating position. A little urethane goes a long way for asthetics. The desk is a work in progress and I'll share more when completed. Power is supplied by 400 AH of battery. A skillfully fabricated wall-thru for cabling was made with a steak knife and PVC pipe. Stucco doesn't represent much of a challenge, even for a steak knife.
Old faithful TS-590S has been upgraded to a newer FTdx101D. There is also a Yaesu 991A radio, an Elecraft KP500 Amp and Tuner. Radios get daily use into a variety of antennas. Since retirement I enjoy a lot of time in the shack.
The original operating position at K7LOL was an Ikea student desk. Eighty bucks for a ham shack is quite a deal in most operator's book. As you can see, I had stacked the heaviest hardware on top for maximum thrill factor in case the dog bumped into a desk leg.
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