I recently made my foray into the world of vhf weak signal. So far, that world has proven to be pretty lonely.
Equipped with a Yaesu FT 991A and a loop antenna at 30 feet, I can now explore the excitng realm of 144 and 432 MHz. To date I've spent many hours cqing from DM43 with few results. Calling on multiple modes and frequencies seldom yield a response.
Seems the majority of contacts up the dial are arranged. Contact me if you would like to qso on 50/144/432 in Arizona. Any popular mode is OK. It will be interesting to see how this basic station performs. Best distance on 144 MHz so far is 156 miles! SWL reports get a sweet K7LOL qsl card too.
Despite the futility of the act, I'll be calling CQ frequently around 144.174 MHz FT8 or 144.200 SSB from DM43ah.
I participate in the Arizona Side Winders On Two net most Sunday mornings at 1530 utc on 144.250 MHz. Join us and test your ESP reception skills.
Always listening on 50.313 MHz from the Ahwatukee RF Test Kitchen to see what pops up on 6m. Give me a shout, please. The 991 is going to be very busy.
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